Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Beacon of Creation Episode 52 Notes

Design challeges due Dec 24 at 7pm Pacific:

Top down design:
Big holiday meal or get-together

Bottom up design:
Your take on gates, only one of a cycle needed.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Beacon of Creation Episode 51 Notes

Design challenges due Dec 10 at 7pm.

-Top-down challenge: Design a card that evokes the sensation of being “indoors”.
-Bottom-up challenge: Design a red common that dabbles in undermined design space for red.
-Bonus challenge: Design some common trespass cards.

I added the new design skeleton and the first version of all the commons to the sidebar ->

 Feel free to print out the commons and playtest them.  Any feedback on how they play would be very helpful. Send feedback on playtests to