Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Card of the Day - Captive Dragon

Today's my birthday.  My birthday present to me is a big dragon that I can ride on.  Also he gives me flying and first strike.  Bonus!

Edit:  Made it more Dragon-y.  (And haste-y.)


  1. Happy Birthday!

    My only issue with this card is that I feel it shouldn't give first strike.

    Dragon's tend to use their size to overwhelm in fights, red doesn't get first strike that often (First strike is primarily white, then secondary in black and red, and only in those two colors where it's more thematic, like knights and assassins). Trample, haste, fire breathing, and double strike are more common dragon elements. Plus white already kinda owns the +4/+4 flying & first strike with angelic destiny >.>;;

    I think I'd like to see haste given to this in place of first strike, it'd make it feel a little more powerful, and turning anything into a dragon rider should make any creature you play after it feel like a powerful threat.

    1. I didn't even think about Angelic Destiny, but I haven't played current standard.

  2. I disagree with Sether. First strike appears frequently not just in white but in red as well. I agree that dragons don't usually have first strike, but it flavorfully gives its mount first strike, since that's what knights have.

    The ability encourages attacking, which is what dragons want to do. Though, admittedly, I don't know what your mount mechanic does. I also appreciate that this 5/5 for 6, compared with a Shivan Dragon, adds 4 more power for 4 just like a Shivan Dragon would.

    I don't know what mount does, but if it makes both the mount creature and the dragon attack at the same time, that would be fine. Otherwise, it's odd to have just the "knight" attack by itself.

